If there’s a DOWN, there’s an UP

If there’s a DOWN, there’s an UP

People normally chase happiness and joy. Life is tricky in the sense that it never stays the same. If you are sad and hurt now, few days, months, or even years later you will be happy and healed. The opposite also applies. Yes there are cases where people actually have more happiness than sadness in their lives, or more sadness than happiness but the major fact remains that no one has a perfect one pace lifestyle.

In my opinion, it’s part of being humans. We face these changes and challenges because we FEEL. Can you imagine your life is always perfect where you never ever need anything? How would you taste the joy of resting after a long day of work? How would you feel the happiness of being healthy after a difficult sickness? And how would you enjoy your food if you were not starving?

We all don’t like living in bad conditions and we, again as humans, look for a better lifestyle all the time. There’s nothing wrong with this, developing your life to the better is always a good thing. The only problem comes when we can’t actually meet our expectations. Life is very mean sometimes and some might lose hope and stop dreaming. I don’t believe that this is a correct way of handling challenges. Our lives are full of downs with different types. We could face problems with education, financials, health, family, friends, social activities, etc. It’s our right granted by our humanity to feel sad and disappointed. Whoever tells you to kill your sad feelings is wrong because it’s part of your nature to feel sad.

Feel, get sad, get upset BUT learn to let go. Learn the golden truth that life goes on. It’s only a matter of time before you realize how unwise it was to waste time crying about what you lost rather than planning what to gain in the future. A small example could illustrate what I mean. Let’s say you lost a friendship of a close friend. Of course you will get sad and ask yourself several times why that happened. Now you have two options, either you stay sad and frown all day long or you can think about the future and how to get this friend back or to move on and make new friends. The first option will not get your friend back for SURE whereas the other option will have a better result anyway.

All what I am saying is: don’t let sad moments affect your life for a long time. Share them with your closest friends so they will make you feel better (I said CLOSEST friends). Think about positive implications of what you are facing, if none, think how you can use this challenge in making better decisions next time. Determine to never do the same mistake again. Finally, I advise all of us to MOVE ON whatever happened because life simply goes on.

2 thoughts on “If there’s a DOWN, there’s an UP

  1. very true mofassa 🙂 – thanks for (unknowingly) cheering me up after a hard day of work and studying hehe!! Always enjoy reading you!!
    I guess we can only really apprecciate the ups if we have downs in our life aswell – never give up!! 😀

  2. don’t let sad moments affect your life for a long time ….

    hal sentence 2ayle yaha inta mn 2bel .. 🙂
    klamak klo sa7 o bjanen ..

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