It’s Scary, Don’t Live in It

It’s Scary, Don’t Live in It

Unclear subject? It’s really scary. If you actually got caught by it, you will be suffering for the rest of your life. What am I talking about? I am talking about the four words: “it is too late”.

I don’t mean here a project, an assignment, an exam, or a job task. No, I am talking here about your life moments. The reason I wrote this post is because of what I witnessed this past semester of my study. The semester was super crazy, continuous work, too much pressure, and many lost important moments.
At the end of it, I looked back, read few stories, heard some talks, and realized a very scary conclusion. We are losing our lives. Aren’t we just caring about our work more than anything else? Aren’t we losing so many precious moments because we MUST finish our tasks? Many of us, if not all, got attached too much to our work that we pay much much less attention to other important things.

I don’t want to sound ridicules, but think about the age of the people around you. Humans get old. Think of the people that matter to you. Are you giving them what they deserve? Are you actually giving them anything? Are you putting your work as your highest priority? Think about the following scenario and it really happens. You go to work daily. There’s a very important person to you and let’s call him/her X. This X tries his/her best to spend most of the time with you and you always turn them down because of your “work”. Days go by and sadly this X dies. This is the scariest moment when you say “it’s too late”. It’s too late to have a dinner with him/her because they are not here. It’s too late to bring them a gift, because they just left. Congratulations winner, you lost your beloved ones, and you kept your job. Is that how you wanted your life to be? Is that the feeling you want to live in for the rest of your life?

I am sorry if the example is too harsh, but it’s real. Consider your mother, father, brothers, sisters, wife, husband and all other important people around you. Don’t let your working life imprison you inside a big cage of regret. Make a balance, don’t ignore your work, and in the same time don’t ignore your special ones. Moreover, don’t ignore yourself. You too need some time to relax and enjoy. Work never ends, but people age and leave. I hope no one will repeat “it’s too late” for the rest of his/her life. Let’s all start NOW balancing our lives.


6 thoughts on “It’s Scary, Don’t Live in It

  1. This is awesome Mustafa, I am fully agree about what you said, I am one of those who regrets the loss time, and still hope it’s not too late . by the way I used those 4 words for long time, “it’s too late”.

    keep it up

  2. This awesome Mustafa, I am fully agree about what you said, I am one of those who regrets the loss time, and still hope it’s not too late :). by the way I used those 4 words for long time, “it’s too late”.

    keep it up

  3. balance sounds nice – especially now when I feel that I spend more time with Mr Shakespeare and co. than with my family :((( ok, gonna make some new cookies for balance now – my brother stole them all hehe. “Somebody’s gonna get a…” 😛

  4. ma b3ref sho 2ool ,, bs walla klamak klo sa7 !
    inshallah ya steef bt5ales 3a 5eer .. o btrkez b3deen kel ehtemamk 3al nas ele bt3zon o b3zook ya rab 🙂 ..

    gd luck abo steef ..
    o 7abeet hal post kteer ana ..

  5. Good day Mustafa!
    More five days and 2009 calendar will vanish forever! and yet when looking back at what we had, I’m just like what you said”Scared!” ..”Too late” and then work! so what am I doing to my social life?
    Simply killing it.
    I think everyone should have a kind of “belief balance” in his/her life. To me, I’m happy because my religion just confirms what you said of having a balance in our lives. However, when it comes to reality, I feel so shame of myself because I’m not practicing this basic value at all.
    Thanks Mustafa for the nice post.

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