I Write Today

I Write Today

I write today,

With memories of yesterday

good mixed with bad, awesome mixed with sad

But I lived through, praising the red and the blue

Took the good in, and let the bad away,

I write today.


With my eyes on the green, that has some grey

but it’s okay,

for to enjoy the green,

grey should be seen,

For life to be built, a discomfort must be felt

For a medicine to be forced, a pain must be endorsed,

I write today

Willing to wash it all away,

focusing on better not worse,

targeting smiles & positive force

opening arms for those who are close

knocking on doors not being afraid,

jumping to unknown not too scared

never responding with “no way”

I write today,

Today I write, feeling the glimpses of white

Today I write, using “will” not “might”

staring at goals with clear sight

Today, I do write,

because I can and I will

because nothing discouraging me still,

I write even I’m not a writer

I will battle the bad, ill defeat the down and sad,

regardless of being called a fighter,

I write today with heart and soul,

with hard ink drawing a goal

with heads up standing tall,

with words coming out of control,

were feelings accumulated day after day,

hello world, I write today.

I write today, not tomorrow not yesterday,

I write today, as no guarantees till when we stay.




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